Tag Archives: soft food stage

Jen’s Fauxtato Salad

Photo Credit: Jennifer Guest Stockinger for Bariatric Foodie When I think of barbecues (or “cookouts” as we call them in Baltimore), I think of grilled meat and great cold sides – chief among them, potato salad! I know a lot of you don’t eat white starches like potatoes. I don’t for the most part. Every now and again I’ll have …

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Veggie Frittata

~~posted by Jen Lots of times I steam fresh or frozen veggies for a side dish, and inevitably when I clean out the fridge, there is always a sad little container of leftover vegetables.  Today was my weekly fridge cleaning day, and I found just such a container of mixed vegetables (peas, corn, carrots, & green beans), maybe a cup …

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Cookies and Cream Protein Frozen Pie

Soooo…remember way back when we did the poll on frozen pies? And I told you my divas were mad at all of you because they wanted the cookies and cream one? Well the other day I noticed my puppy was missing. On the kitchen counter was my batter bowl and under it was a note that said, “Make our pie …

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Jackie’s “Smiling Belly” Salad

Hey friends. Sorry for the lag time between posts. Pouch Party(TM) seems to have been DISCOVERED (hence the fact that I have been ordered…erm, instructed to use the damn trademark symbol whenever referencing it). I’ll post a rundown of booked parties next week so that folks don’t miss out on the fun and, as always, if you want Pouch Party(TM) …

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Tilapia to the Rescue!

Did I mention to you that my 25 year-old, “fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants” brother is crashing on my couch these days? Yeah. That’s how I feel about it too. Although with the divas gone for the summer he is good company. Bad thing about having other folks in your home, though, is that you begin to rely on them for stuff. For instance, …

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Frozen Pie

Before I start, let me say this: my children are very angry with all of you. I put the poll up on the blog and they just KNEW you would choose cookies and cream. Each day they checked the blog excited to see their favorite race to the finish line. And each day it was with a mixed sense of …

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Curried Chicken Salad

I dunno how it happened…but it did. Maybe you over-cooked. Maybe the family wasn’t feeling your WLS friendly dish. Maybe, like me, you get sick of eating the same thing very, very fast. But here we are. With an abundance of chicken meat. I know…I know…starving children in third world countries…the voice of your mother going “finish your plate!!!” You …

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Tony H.’s Peanut Butter Crepes

Hey kids! This is the first in a series of guest posts we’re doing over here at BF. Cuz we’re not the only ones with good ideas or inspiration to share! This one comes from Tony H. our Zumba-loving, Click-drinking friend from OH. Tony wrote to me about this recipe and at first I was lukewarm. He has since convinced …

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Rocky Road Protein Frozen Pie

Cuz it’s a ROCKY ROAD baby! So here’s the quick and dirty version of how this dessert came to be. It started in church (doesn’t everything?). I was greeter so essentially my job is to hand out the church programs to people coming in. There is also this magazine for kids and pre-teens called “Pockets from the Upper Room.” Well …

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Banana Protein Cheesecake

Ok, first of all…how come everytime I’m about to post something really good my camera starts to act stupid? Let’s discuss THAT. (or not) Protein cheesecake…YAY!!! There is one benefit to my being so late with this. I ended up having to make another one (the sacrifices I make for youse guys!!!) and this time tried one with a hint …

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