Hot Protein Drink: Clickety Split Vanilla Toffee Salted Cocoa

~~by Jen

CLICK Espresso Protein Drink Vanilla Latte Flavor (14-Servings), 16-Ounce Canister

Alas I have managed to let myself run out of Mocha Click. That almost NEVER happens, but I forgot to place another order over the weekend! Usually in times of Click crisis I would use Nik’s Decaf Mochachino for my cold Click Frappe fix. But I have gotten so used to my Hot Salted Caramel Click on the way to work every morning, I had to come up with something that would fit the bill.

Boy howdy, did I! I think I may even like this one better than my usual Mocha Caramel version!! Luckily I had a canister of Vanilla Latte Click, and a new bottle of Davinci Sugar Free English Toffee just waiting to be used. I think this may be my new hot morning protein drink, y’all!

Here’s how it’s done:

Jen’s Clickety Split Vanilla Toffee Salted Cocoa

12 oz milk (I used 2%, use whatever you like)
2 scoops Vanilla Latte Click
2 teaspoons Swiss Miss Diet Cocoa Mix
Sugar-free Sweetener, to your taste (I used 3 packets of Splenda)
1/2 teaspoon Salt
3 pumps (tablespoons) Davinci Sugar Free English Toffee Syrup
Sugar Free Hazelnut Coffeemate (completely optional, but I am addicted)

Pour the milk into the mixing cup of your Magic Bullet or Shake Blender, then add the remaining ingredients. Whiz it up until completely combined.

Pour it into a microwave safe travel mug and microwave it on high for 35 seconds.

Remove from microwave, stir, and taste for sweetness. Add more sweetener, syrup, or salt to your taste. Add the SF Hazelnut Creamer if you’re using it, and stir again.

Return to microwave for another 30 seconds or so until it has reached your desired temperature. Put the lid on, and enjoy!


  1. My Big Fat Super Super Obese Blog

    This sounds so yummy! I love your blog and have something for you on mine today ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for all the great information!!

  2. Sadly Click and me just don’t get along. ๐Ÿ™ Wonder what I could use instead?

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