Good news/Good news

…which would you like to hear first? πŸ™‚

Good news: There will be FOOD on Bariatric Foodie today! It’s so weird. The other day I conked out for a long nap, woke up and…the cold was gone! I was suspicious so I still took it easy yesterday but yup…it’s gone. YAY! Look for that later today.

Good news: You may have seen on some of your other fave blogs that Blogger is giving you more ways to view blogs. So now, you can view Bariatric Foodie in a myriad of styles, including this one. Seeing all that food put together nearly made me pass out, I have to be honest with you. Click here to check out all your viewing options. For those who have, up until now, been unsure how to find other recipes on this blog…this may be a good temporary answer while I am working to change that/ πŸ™‚

Good news: I have set a goal for myself to go to each and every 2011 Obesity Help Conference. Are you going to any? If so (or not), you can help me get to all of them! How? I think I’ve told you before that anytime you click a link on this blog (like this one, for instance) and purchase a product after following that link (even if it is not the product you clicked on), Bariatric Foodie gets a portion of the proceeds. Usually I use these funds to buy things to review for you guys or for my nefarious “three test tries” recipe rule. Over the next few months I am dedicating anything I make from Amazon or Netrition to getting to OH Conference! So if you shop Amazon, consider stopping here first, finding a link and clicking it! And there’s a Netrition search box on the right side of the blog if you scroll down a bit. Every little bit helps. For my part, I’ll link to more stuff in posts to give you a good starting place πŸ˜‰

And if you are a fan on Facebook you might have heard me going on about my recent Twitter giving. Here’s the deal. We’ve made such great strides, you and I, on Facebook. Twitter? It’s a new frontier and I want to conquer it! (or at least claim my piece) So follow Pouch Party on Twitter and get to tweeting. I’m watching. If it looks like you’d need or like something…you never know…I may just play “bariatric fairy.”

One comment

  1. I am going to be at two of the three OH events this year. New York and New Orleans. Hope I can meet you at one of them.

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