–posted by Jen So, I grew up in Southwest Georgia and cold salads are a big thing where I come from, especially in the heat of summer. Most kids don’t like broccoli, heck some adults don’t! But there is a scrumptious broccoli salad my Momma used to make that was a staple at our summer picnics and cookouts. Even the …
Read More »Dinner
High(er) Protein Cole Slaw
I am personally not a huge cole slaw fan. Sure, every once in a while the mood hits me to have some, but I could easily go without it. But I know many folks love themselves some coleslaw at the family barbecue! But most commercial brands of Coleslaw dressing are LOADED with sugar and don’t have much protein. In this …
Read More »The Perfect Roast Chicken!
~~posted by Jen Well, you know all about roasting now, whether you want to cook vegetables or meat. Now, as promised, here are the instructions for making my “Perfect” roasted chicken! Your family will love you even more than they already do, I promise! Jen’s Perfect Roast Chicken Ingredients: 1 (5 to 6 pound) fresh Roasting Chicken (may be called …
Read More »Naked Grilled Eggplant Parmesan
~by Nikki Hey guys, Jen had your “BF Basics” on roasting tips all ready to go…and then the “wonky wireless network” troll visited her house! So look for that later today or early tomorrow. Until then…please accept this offering to tide you over. 🙂 One of the nice things about being further out from surgery is that I can get …
Read More »Shaking up Your Salad!
~~posted by Jen So usually I eat a salad with some protein on top for lunch or dinner, but one of my favorite “go to” snacks is veggie sticks with Greek Yogurt Ranch dip. Let’s face it, you can only eat so much meat and cheese before you start craving “vegabulls”. Yesterday afternoon I made myself the little crudite snack …
Read More »Crab Dip
~~posted by Jen I have a deep and abiding love for dips of any kind. I’m not quite sure where that comes from, but it has certainly served me well during my WLS journey, especially early out. The best thing about dips and spreads is you can totally make them up as you go along and they rarely come out …
Read More »Jackie’s “Smiling Belly” Salad
Hey friends. Sorry for the lag time between posts. Pouch Party(TM) seems to have been DISCOVERED (hence the fact that I have been ordered…erm, instructed to use the damn trademark symbol whenever referencing it). I’ll post a rundown of booked parties next week so that folks don’t miss out on the fun and, as always, if you want Pouch Party(TM) …
Read More »Tilapia to the Rescue!
Did I mention to you that my 25 year-old, “fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants” brother is crashing on my couch these days? Yeah. That’s how I feel about it too. Although with the divas gone for the summer he is good company. Bad thing about having other folks in your home, though, is that you begin to rely on them for stuff. For instance, …
Read More »Cuban Sandwich Spread
~~by Jen You know how you have these “food memories” that get stuck in your head and you start obsessing about them? Like a favorite casserole your Momma made when you were a child, or your Aunt’s practically famous chicken salad? I was having one of those moments last week, and it got me thinking. Let me explain…My paternal grandparents …
Read More »Curried Chicken Salad
I dunno how it happened…but it did. Maybe you over-cooked. Maybe the family wasn’t feeling your WLS friendly dish. Maybe, like me, you get sick of eating the same thing very, very fast. But here we are. With an abundance of chicken meat. I know…I know…starving children in third world countries…the voice of your mother going “finish your plate!!!” You …
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